Rishiram Bhandari


Kathmandu Nepal

Paldor Peak Climbing (5896m/19,343ft) - 18 days

Paldor Peak Climbing (5896m/19,343ft)

Paldor Peak (5896m/19,343ft) lies in the Ganesh Himal, northwest of Katmandu. The name Ganesh from the elephant-headed Hindu god of good luck. Paldor Peak lies at the southeast end of Ganesh Himal at the junction of the Tiru and Karpu Dandas at the head of the Mailung Khola, a tributary of the Trisuli River. In 1974 Mr. John Cleare and Ian Howell first climbed Paldor Peak. Paldor Peak has become one of the best and most famous trekking peaks in the Ganesh Himal region. Peak climbed from North East, South East, West, and southwest Ridge.

The caravan route to Paldor peak takes you from Kathmandu to the immediate access of Langtang Khola and onto Sabrubesi. The path then leads to Tangjet, Gatlang, Mailung Khola, and onto the base camp.

Southeast ridge route

This route climbs the long snow and ice arête that goes down to the fang rock peak. From Paldor's East glacier's high camp, the ridge's lowest point reached via steep snow and ice slopes. The bank is also accessible from avalanche-prone couloirs from Paldor's West glacier. The hill continues and is quite steep but without any significant difficulties to the summit.

Northeast ridge route

From base camp, the trail follows the path along a moraine. There is a small lake to the south of the peak named Fang. You will cross a stream flowing from the lake and head toward the East ridge of the Fang. The glacier, at this point, is flat and does not contain many crevasses. From this camp, follow the Paldor's East glacier without testing and head north toward a col on the Northeast Ridge. Cross a bergschrund and climb a lofty snow slant to acquire the col. If this is troublesome, you can climb the col. If this is very difficult, you can ascend the hill to the left, climbing diagonally toward a rocky pinnacle. Once on the ridge, rise over several peaks of loose rock leading to a horizontal snow arête. Follow this to the final 150m headwall. Ascend this on steep snow to the Southeast ridge's junction, which may be corniced; use care here. Continue easily to the summit.

Satori Adventures' primary objective is to provide quality service from an experienced climbing staff. With Satori, you will have maximum enjoyment and an unforgettable trip in the Dhaulagiri region. Our priority is always safety, and we make all of our decisions around this priority. With our background in climbing and mountaineering logistics services, we understand the requirements of independent climbers and employ climbing guides and base camp managers who are either Everest Summiteers or are certified by the Nepal Mountaineering Association. Our staff will always have certifications in mountain skills such as First aid, altitude/mountain sickness prevention, and search and rescue training. We pride ourselves on our previous achievements and high customer satisfaction. Our services are on par with the best climbing service providers in Nepal, and we are always striving to be even better. We have developed safe and smart systems in the mountains, working with many climbers and safety experts from Europe and North America. We request that climbers have previous experience in rock/ice climbing techniques and know-how to use ice climbing, crampons, and ascend and descend on fixed lines.

Facts of the Trip

Highest access: 5,896m / 19,343ft

Duration: 18 Days

Group Size: 02-10 Person

Co-ordinates: 28°15’22’’ N 85°31’10’’ E

Location: Ganesh Himal

Country: Nepal

Airport: Kathmandu, Nepal

Departure From: Kathmandu (KTM)

Grade: AD. Assez Difficile

Accommodation: Tourist standard to Five star as request

Meals: B/B plan in Kathmandu and Full board accommodation during the climbing

Transportation: Car, Jeep, Tourist bus

Best season: Spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November)

Major Activity: Trekking/Mountaineering

Include Activity: monasteries and sight trip of Kathmandu

Culture: Tamang,Rai,Braman

Mode of Travel: Teahouse/Camping

Climbing route: Northeast ridge, Southeast ridge

Himalayan sights: Langtang-re Luri himal, Langtang Lirung, Ganesh Himal

Itinerary Details

Itinerary Details of Paldor Peak(5896m/19343ft.) climbing - Autumn 2024

17 Nov/Day 01: Arrival at Kathmandu airport. Transfer to request category hotel; accommodation in Kathmandu (1350M/4,430ft)

18 Nov/Day 02: Preparation and briefings at the Departments of Tourism. Last minute shopping.

19 Nov/Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (1503m/4931ft, 08hrs) via Trishuli; tea house accommodation.

20 Nov/Day 04: Trek from Gatlang to Yuri Kharka (3280m/10761ft.)- 5hrs; teahouse accommodation or camping.

21 Nov/Day 05: Trek from Yuri Kharka to Somdang (3,260m/10696ft.)- 5hrs via Khurpudanda pass (3,750m); teahouse accommodation or camping.

22 Nov/Day 06: Trek from Somdang to Jasta Khani (3700m/12139ft.)- 6hrs; camping accommodation.

23 Nov/Day 07: Trek from Jasta Khani to Paldor Base Camp (4280m/14042ft.)- 6hrs; camping accommodation.

24 Nov/Day 08: Rest day at Base camp for acclimatization (4280m/14042ft.). This is an acclimatization day for the preparation of Paldor peak summit.

25 Nov/Day 09: Trek from Paldor Base Camp to Paldor High Camp C1 (5300m/17388ft.); camping accommodation.

26 Nov/Day 10: wake up early in the morning (at 3am), take some tea, coffee and light breakfast then summit Paldor Peak (5896m/19343ft.); Descend down to the Base Camp; Camping accommodation.

27 Nov/Day 11: Trek from the Base camp to Somdang (4305m/14124ft.); camping accommodation.

28 Nov/Day 12: Trek from Somdang to Narchet Kharka (3800m/12467ft.); camping accommodation.

29 Nov/Day 13: Trek from Narchet Kharka to Sertung(3270m/10728ft.); camping accommodation.

30 Nov/Day 14: Trek from Sertung to Jharlang (1600m/5249ft.); camping accommodation.

01 Dec/Day 15: Trek from Jharlang to Darkha (1557m/5108ft.); camping accommodation.

02 Dec/Day 16: Trek from Darkhu to Khahare Bazaar (720m/2362ft.); camping accommodation.

03 Dec/Day 17: Trek from Khahare Bazaar we drive for 7hrs to Kathmandu (1350m) by bus or car and transfer to hotel. Farewell dinners with culture program In the Evening. Request category hotel accommodation in Kathmandu.

04 Dec/Day 18: After having Breakfast, Drop to airport for final departure.

Trip cost

Satori Adventures has not able to include the cost of each package in the company website. Many of our clients have the same query: why Satori Adventures has not included the price in the trekking and mountaineering package. To provide you service in reasonable cost and attempt to address your each requirement we desired to provide you with some information which directly affects the cost and also helps us breakdown the cost. That’s why, we have decided to clarify our customers that due to following reasons we have not included the cost in our website and package:

Please feel free to contact Satori Adventures for any information about in your selected package.

Cost Includes/Excludes

Full Board Operation:

For full board clients we provide a personal tent and food, which will be prepared by their climbing Sherpa. We provide UHF/VHF hand held radios on the mountain to maintain communications between ABC and high camps.

We provide a personal climbing Sherpa guide each group(2:1 ratio) to help the clients reach the summit. The secret of success on ls and  is a strong and experienced climbing Sherpa. No matter how good and experienced the climber, it is a long slog. Personal climbing Sherpas will set up camp. They will also carry food provisions, fuel and assist the client on the summit day.

The services we provide in the above package
(Cost Includes):

  • To ensure your safety and avoid the natural panic of people entering a new destination for the first time, Satori Adventures provides pick-up and drop services from international and domestic airports on your arrivals and departures.
  • Representatives of Satori adventures will be waiting for you on arrival at both domestic and international airports with a Satori banner with your placard so that you can easily find our person. Satori's identity card will accompany the person for your confirmation.
  • According to the above trekking peak climbing schedule, Satori Adventures will arrange three nights demanded category (from tourist star to five-star) of hotel accommodations in Kathmandu.
  • Satori Adventures will provide Experienced, and government authorized (licensed holder) high altitude trekking/climbing Sherpa guide during the trekking and climbing period.
  • Surface transportation Kathmandu -Sybrubesi -Kathmandu for members as per the itinerary.
  • Apart from Camping and hiking, Satori Adventures Will provide you with a lovely tea house (except chain hotels) to stay in and eat during the trekking.
  • Lunch in the trekking is usually made on the way while Dinner and breakfast at the tea house where you stay overnight. Satori Adventures provides a clean and fresh breakfast, lunch, and dinner with tea/coffee at the tea house's menu throughout the trek and camping accommodation at the advance base camp during the ascent.
  • Satori adventures will provide all the essentials for trekking, peak climbing, rowing, and camping at the advanced base camp.
  • During the ascent, satori adventures will provide a chef cook and cook assistant at the advanced base camp to take care of your food and drink.
  • Satori Adventures allow up to 20kg of personal climbing equipment per person during the flight onboard and during trekking carried by porter/yak/mules.
  • The offer cost includes Palodr peak climbing royalty and climbing permit of Paldor peak charged by the Nepal government. (Permit issued by Nepal mountaineering association)
  • As Paldor Peak is at Langtang National Park's territory, Satori adventures provide you a permit for Langtang National Park.
  • The Trekkers' Information Management Systems permit issued by the trekking agency association of Nepal is required to enter the area of Langtang National Park, so Satori adventures provide you a TIMS permit too.
  • As far as possible, regular weather reports are stated throughout the mountaineering period.
  • Satori Adventures provides all wages, clinical, equipment, and accidental insurance for all elaborate staff in the journeying and climbing.
  • We provide first aid medical kits for the group and the staff, taking care of your climbing and health safety.
  • Trekking and mountaineering are often inaccessible and far from information, communication, and transportation in the Himalayas, so information communication is a significant factor for safety and a successful trip. That's why Satori Adventures provides satellite phones with your hiker and climber Sherpa guide.
  • Satori Adventures provides V25 north face two main model tents with comfortable mattresses at the advanced base camps and high camps for members and involved staff.
  • Satori Adventures offers dynamic / Static Rope, Ice Screws, Snow bar, Rock piton, lucked unlocked Karabiners to open the route and fixed the life for safe and successful climbing.
  • During your climbing expedition, satori adventures offer you clean, Nutritious, and fresh food at the advanced base camp. For those trekking peak where it requires high camps or the first camps before attempting the summit, we provide you nutrition high altitude package food and essential EPI cooking gas and stoves to boiled water, tea, coffee, and warm the pocket food.
  • Satori Adventure always has concerned and top priority about our trekking guides, climbing Sherpa guides, cooks, porters, and involved staff safety during the period of trekking and high mountain climbing.   For this reason, we always do medical insurance, helicopter evacuation insurance, and treatment insurance for all involved staff with a reputed insurance company.
  • For your convenience, we always provide maps of related trekking and trekking peak climbing.
  • The above offer price includes our official service charges, government charges, and all taxes and vat. Except for the above amount, there are not any hidden costs charged by us.
  • If you need any assistance with departure information, Flight ticket reconfirmation, Visa extension procedure services, Satori adventures fully support you without any charges.
  • We want to offer you to have dinner with us before you departed from Kathmandu. It will be an opportunity for you to see and learn about Nepali culture and tradition. Thus, satori adventures offer you farewell dinner at a typical Nepali restaurant with a cultural show in Kathmandu before departure.
  • Before your departure, as a memory of your life, Satori Adventures would like to handover Satori T-shirt/Pashmina and Brochure.

Things you need to manage yourself in the package above(Cost Exclude):

  • Kathmandu is Nepal's capital, and since this place offers high quality and delicious food from different countries and groups, we were hoping you could taste the food you like. For that reason, during your stay in Kathmandu, you will have to arrange lunch and dinner (except farewell dinner) yourself.
  • Suppose you want to take any packed food, snacks, aerated drinks, energy drinks, mineral water, and carbonated soft drinks, any types of alcohol, cigarettes, chocolates, and nutria-bars during the trek. In that case, you have to buy it yourself as a customer often requires these items during the trekking. No, and there is no guessing how much it will take by the client and its cost.
  • Expenses incurred towards usage of personal nature trekking and climbing equipment, laundry expenses, tips, Landlines, mobiles, walkie-talkies, satellite phones, and the internet service not included in the package. You have to pay for it yourself when you use it.
  • Mountaineering is, in itself, a risky and adventurous activity that always takes place in remote areas. So, safety is the primary factor for us. Therefore, you have to have your travel insurance covering the cost of emergency rescue, medical treatment, medical tests, and hospitalization before you arrive for the trip to Nepal.
  • The package cost offered above does not include your international flight ticket and Nepal's tourist visa, so that you have to pay for your international flight ticket and tourist visa yourself.
  • Any extra expenses arising out of various/unforeseen situations like natural disasters, landslides, political disturbances, strikes, changes in government regulations costs not included in the package cost.
  • An additional cost is added if you need extra workers then what we have included in the package.
  • The short sentence, "The services we provide in the above package cost inclusive,” will cost extra if you want additional services.
  • Employees involved in your trekking and mountaineering are hoping for tips, gifts, or something at the end of the trip, which is an opportunity to say how happy you are with our staff and what kind of service you have rendered.
How to Book?

How to book holiday trip in Nepal?

Satori Adventures and Expedition aims at giving proper information to many travelers, trekkers and climbers who have some confusion regarding the booking process of the trip in Nepal.Satori Adventures therefore desires to provide guideline for the first-time visitors or travelers so that they can comfortably start the process to book the selected package legally. Before starting the booking process we always advise our trekkers, travelers and climbers to intelligently check whether the company is genuine and whether they are fully safe to travel in the company’s guidance. We ask them to be acquainted with the company they want book their holiday trip with. Is the company genuine and authorized from Government of Nepal, Office of the Company Registrar, Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Nepal Rastra Bank ‒Central Bank of Nepal (authorized for foreign currency), Permanent Account Number (PAN), and the Department of Cottage & Small Industries). Are they financially secured and environmentally conscious? We advise them to make sure about these formalities because there are some companies in Nepal that have been running business without abiding by the rules and regulation of the Government. Some companies were once registered but by now their licenses have already been expired and yet they have providing the services illegally.

On many occasions, Government of Nepal and Trekking Agency Association of Nepal have found that many foreigners’ tour operators, NGOs and INGOs have been involved in directly operating tours, trekking, and mountaineering holiday adventures without having government license and abiding by the Government rules. It has been also found that many individuals, freelance guides and porters have been arranging trips illegally by creating their own personal website. We have observed that many trekkers and climbers face a host of problems once they arrive in Kathmandu as they lack adequate information.  Many of them file complaints to Government of Nepal and Trekking Agency Association of Nepal for legal action such as the refund of the advanced payment. There is hardly any justice given to the cheated clients. Thus, so as to prevent all these probable problems we request our travelers to check the company before booking any trip to the Himalayas.

To conform and process your trip booking please follow these suggestions:

Please kindly submit Trip Booking Form when you confirm the trip with us. It will be easy for us to process for your trip conformation and prepare all legal processes and permit for the trip. If you have any query, always feel free to contact us at any time. We always want to make sure our clients are well informed before conforming the trip. You are always advised to visit our website and related package for further information.


Satori Adventures Pvt. Ltd

P. O. Box-21378, Naya Bazaar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  Phone: +977-1-4365127


